Thursday, April 28, 2011



Yes, dear friends, it is true. I have been rejected! no, not what you think!...Crane no. 57 was offered...and declined. Rather decisively, I must add. Seriously, I haven't even gotten to 100 and I've had to deal with my first rejection!  It is a sad but true story: not everyone in this world wants a cute folded paper peace crane.

I was folding a crane during class *shhh, it's better than texting during class, ok!?* because that day's lecture was pretty much incomprehensible. So, of course, I needed someone to give it to at the end. Naturally, my professor seemed like a likely candidate. At the end of class, I came up to hims, gave him my little crane-speech, and what do I get back?

"Okay. What are you trying to sell to me?"

WHAT?!???!?!?!! No, not selling. Giving. PEACE cranes. Try again:

"I'm writing a blog about folding and giving away 1,000 peace cranes. I just made no. 47 and would like you to have it!"

"No, what are you trying to sell? And is this going on the internet where any wacko can see it!? Do you have one of those stupid facebook things too?"

Sighh...well, it had to happen at some point:) Mkay well done with complaining. Here's what you've been waiting for...cranes 56 to 60 up next!

(56 is currently on its way to Wisconsin for the awesome Dano Barrett and shall be posted later:)

Drew sorta smiling at least with crane 57 (previously REJECTED by my professor haha) 

Dr. Germain with crane 59

And she wanted one with me! Even though i looked like crap and had my eyes closed. Oh well:)

And the dental hygienist with her big blue crane 60 (even matches the scrubs, look at that!)

I feel honored that my cranes got special spots in the office:) I think 59 and 60 will be well taken care of haha.

Oh, and here is Luca with crane 39, as promised!

Nice one:)

Goofy one:)

Next days are gonna be pretty busy so we'll see how much blogging I get done. Finals next week and then SUMMER!!!! Booyah, high school. I have almost conquered you. 


  1. awww, i'm glad the crane was accepted by someone in the end! haha, but some of the *cough older cough* people aren't too sure about the internet and stuff just yet. and you never look like crap, even if ur eyes are closed. more like a very pretty pile of lilies. and GO CHRISTINE, kick school's back quarters til its fresh out of quarters and semesters!

  2. haha aww thanks!! And YES sooo glad i'm almost done! when do you finish for the summer?
