Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!! and almost to 50

CRANE COUNT: 46 (we can now officially round it to an astonishing 0.05% of the goal, woa)

I'm probably not gonna post tomorrow, so I thought i should wish everyone a early Happy Easter:)

My track team had a meet this morning, so much opportunity for crane giving arose! Here are today's crane recipients......

Mrs. Rollins, our assistant track coach, with crane no. 42

No. 43 made out of a sticky note! Sorry, Jonathan..bad pic=P

Jesse and crane 44

Thumbs up for crane 45! Jeremy's crane was made out of a PetSmart  receipt I think... 

And last but not least, the Chipotle gal with crane no. 46 (which currently holds the record for LARGEST crane so far!) Made out of a Chipotle newsletter, ya know the one that tells you all about their free-range chicken and organic ingredients? Which I think is pretty awesome. So in my opinion, if you need to choose between Qdoba and Chipotle, go for Chipotle because it's better for you  and the environment! (see link above)

Ok, but done with my lecture on saving the planet one burrito at a time. Hah!

One more thought of the day: I am completely sunburned from the meet this morning, yet it was overcast almost the whole time! What the heck is up with that???


  1. Dude this is awesome Christine! I can't believe you're already so close to fifty!! i love my little buddy, Campus. (U of I campus map crane). ty soo much for him :D

  2. Thanks Mary ! I have no idea how far i'll be able to go but i've been having fun=D and that makes me super happyy:))i love that you named it!!!

  3. hey, you'll go all the way! no doubt about it. i mean, you've got a blog, how on earth could u turn back now??

  4. ikr...the whole world (aka all 21 of my followers hahaha) will make fun of me if i quit!!
