Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Another Earthquake...

DONATIONS: $33.10 (Japan fund)

So if you didn't realize, I am also trying to start a fund to help with the rebuilding of Christchurch, New Zealand after the devastating earthquake felt there in February of this year.  Since my dad was originally from New Zealand, a lot of my family (and friends) live there and I feel a very strong connection to NZ. My family and I have visited Christchurch many was a beautiful city and will never be the same :/

Before/after the first earthquake- the CTV building in Christcurch

Before/after downtown

On Monday, another earthquake hit the city. At a 6.0 on the Richter scale, it was almost as strong as the one felt previously this year (a 6.3 and 7.1)- and some experts are predicting a 20% chance of more to come, along with the aftershocks already felt since Monday. Since it happened during the day, there are no reported deaths; however, the already devastated city has been even more severely damaged. Click here for a more in depth account...

If you would like to help, click on either of the following links and email me at to let me know how much you donated.

And here are some more cranes, of course!

118- Jennifer, who is going to major in fine arts next year! With her beautiful picture and green napkin crane.
121- Michelle

122- Melissa and the Ball State University map crane
123- Emily (and Mary, who I promised would get her own crane later!)
124- Maeleen. Orientation roomies!
125- Preston + mini yellow crane
126- Ryan

Thursday, June 9, 2011

It's feast or famine in the crane business



I can't remember how many times so far I've wanted to forget about this whole thing. Why?? It's not really doing any good, right? I mean, I've raised about 2 bucks lol. That's pathetic. But every time I feel like quitting, something or someone inspires me to keep on going. It might not seem like too much trouble to fold and give away origami, but for someone naturally shy like me...HAH...I wonder why I decided to torture myself every day like this!! I'm pretty sure I won't have any shyness left in my by crane 1,000. =P

This time, I want to thank the girls at 2nd Reformed Presbyterian church in Indy...their enthusiasm was contagious, and together they contributed about $30 to my Japanese Red Cross fund!! It's a great start. :)  Thank you so much, Jenny, Vineeta, Bekah, Cindy, Laura M., Laura N, and Beth (not pictured). I love you girls!!

Here are the new ones since last post:

108- Stephanie

110- at the SoHo cafe in Carmel

111- Kieghea at the Indy Zoo. (which I hadn't been to in literally years!  It's changed a lot since then, adding a new aquarium as well as a reptile exhibit which was pretty cool. )

112- McDonald's gal! I've got to remember to ask for people's names. It's  enough to have to explain the crazy project, tell them about the blog, and ask if I can take their picture =P

113- Vineeta, who just got back from a missions trip in India,, you go girl! :)

114- Bekah!!

115- Beth :)
116- Laura

117- Cindy

...yes, I accidentally skipped 118 again. You'd think I would learn haha

119- Dani

I am writing this while listing to some awesome live jazz music at open mic night at the SoHo Cafe in Carmel. It's a little gem of a cafe/art gallery tucked away in the Mohawk Place shopping center just north of 126th and Rangeline Road (also backs up onto the Monon Trail). Check it out sometime..there's open mic night every Thursday. Plus they have amazinggg smoothies!

I realized that I haven't posted for a long time when I went to SoHo today and remembered that I hadn't put up my crane picture from when I went a week ago...haha whoops. But first thing I saw was my brown napkin crane sitting on top of the coffee cups! But..apparently not my impostor!! My original crane had somehow (mysteriously) been replaced by a new one slightly different...!! It's my first crane mystery =D

The impostor!!

Sighh..yes, I know I have been very slow at crane-making lately. I think I need a new system: make a ton of them, put them in my bag, and just number them as I give them away. The whole using-found-materials thing greatly reduces the crane quantity since I really don't have enough time in my day!

Ok I'm done now:) I hope your summer is going amazingly so far!